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How to buy

You can easily purchase products you liked by completing the following steps.


  •  After selecting the product and the required size, click ADD TO CART - items will be added to your shopping cart.Instr1.png
  • If you want to buy one product in different sizes, you need to add to cart each size separately
  • You can continue browsing our website, all products you have added to the cart will remain there, and you can easily return to YOUR CART by pressing basket signInstr3.jpg
  • After all your choices were made you can proceed GO TO SHOPPING CARTInstr2.png
  • YOUR CART page lists all the items you have selected.Instr5.jpg
  • In the Quantity field, you can change the quantity of the items you would like to purchase. The system will recalculate the total amount of the order automatically.
  •  You can always delete items from the basket. The system will automatically recalculate the amount of the order

    After entering the necessary information about the delivery of the goods (name of recipient, delivery address, contact details, delivery option, payment method, etc.) for an order you need to agree with terms of agreement and click Checkout. A copy of the order will be sent to your e-mail, specified during the ordering process.

    After completing the order, and clicking the "pay" button, you will be redirected to the secure payment page "Gazprombank" (Joint-Stock Company), where you will need to enter your plastic card details. After a successful payment, you will be automatically sent an email confirming the payment, as well as the status of the order in the personal section of the site to be updated to Paid.

    If you were not prompted to enter the address and other data required for delivery cross-check information.

    ATTENTION! An incorrect telephone number, incorrect or incomplete address can cause further delay! Please double check your personal data during registration and ordering.


    Payment security is ensured by the Bank-Acquirer (Gazprombank (Joint-Stock Company)), operating on the basis of modern protocols and technologies developed by the payment systems MIR, Visa International and Mastercard Worldwide (3D-Secure: Verified by VISA, Mastercard SecureCode, MirAccept). Processing of the confidential data of the Cardholder is carried out in the processing center of the Bank certified according to the PCI DSS standard. The security of transmitted information is ensured by the use of modern Internet security protocols.

    Listed prices are final. All taxes are included. For each order there is only one payment method for your choice. It is not possible to pay for your order in parts using different payment methods

    Payment methods:

    • CASH

      Payment is made in cash to our courier upon delivery in Moscow (only). Together with the goods you will handed receipts for goods, you've ordered.


      To complete your payment you will be redirected to the payment gateway of Gazprombank (Joint-Stock Company) to enter your credit card details in a protected connection. Please prepare your plastic card in advance. The connection to the payment gateway and the information is transmitted in secure mode using SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the safe conduct online payments Verified By Visa or MasterCard Secure Code technology for payment may also need to enter a special password. The methods and the possibility of obtaining passwords for making online payments, you can specify in the bank that issued your card. The entered information will not be provided to third parties except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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